LSC’s Membership Committee
My name is Jackie Harrison-Jewell. This year, I have taken on the formal role of Membership Coordinator for Legacy Solar Co-op, with the task of growing our membership to include even more Wisconsin individuals, families and businesses interested in solar.
As you may know, Legacy Solar Co-op is member-owned, and since our beginning, we’ve grown steadily in membership from 18 members in 2014 to 215 members today. Our members offer insight and community connection and we appreciate every one of you for the role you’ve played in making the Co-op what it is today. We also know that steady growth in membership is one of the ways we can make a real impact on the solar and renewable energy work being done here in Wisconsin.
LSC already has exciting plans that focus on both new membership programs and increasing benefits for our existing members. But, as anyone who has been part of a team knows, great ideas and inspiration can be found when you ask for help. In fact, the very definition of “cooperative” means to involve mutual assistance in working toward a common goal. So, with that in mind, we’re asking for 2-5 volunteers to serve on our new LSC Membership Committee.
Membership Committee volunteers will be asked to help us develop and implement programs to find and bring in new members from across the state. The time commitment will be a one-hour quarterly meeting, and any additional volunteer hours you can devote to the development of new membership programs.
If you have an interest in event planning, outreach campaigns, or are just excited to talk to your friends and neighbors about LSC and our solar mission, please consider volunteering. For more information, contact me at