Annual Meeting 2021
Date/Time: Thursday, December 2nd
- 6:00-7:00pm: Gather, socialize, and enjoy food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
- 7:00-8:00pm: Annual Meeting presentation w/ drawing of prizes
- 8:00-8:30pm: Socialize/network
Location: Evjue and Merrill Lynch Rooms, Goodman Community Center Ironworks Building (149 Waubesa Street, Madison, WI 53704)
Regardless of your status as an Annual Member, a Lifetime Member, as a representative of an Institution Member, or even just curious about becoming a Member of our cooperative, you are invited to attend and participate in the review of our year’s work in solar. Only one vote per member is allowed on any actionable motions that come up during the business meeting portion of the evening. This meeting will be broadcasted and recorded for anyone who cannot make it in person.* Only members who receive a ballot before the meeting or who are in-person on the day of the meeting can cast votes.
* Currently, we do not have any ballot measures or new directors to vote on or approve, but perhaps something will develop between now and then and we will notify all members with any actionable decisions that are known before the start of the meeting.
In-person attendees are expected to observe any Dane County mask mandate and sign-in upon arrival to signify membership status for LSC and vaccination status for COVID.
RSVP by 12/1
- Email us at if you plan to attend in-person
- Or join us on the live webinar at 7:00pm (PLEASE NOTE NEW LINK)
(10% of the membership is needed to establish quorum)